Hi, my name is Brooke Linman and I was one of the firefighters burned in the recent fires down here in San Diego. I had facial, ears and shoulder burns but what everyone noticed right away was how my lower face was not burned at all.
As you can guess I had my Hot Shield HS-2 on…..I got it about 4 years ago…. I didn’t have it completely on when I made an emergency call for help but had tucked my face into it when I ran through the flames. I did receive inhalation burns and was put in a coma for a couple of weeks because of swelling but my lungs healed quicker then anyone expected and I am convinced your product kept me from receiving even worse injuries then I did. I have supported your products since wearing it in the 2003 firestorm and now your product is even a part of the investigation report and we are hoping our department will add it to our standard gear. Thank you just doesn’t even start to express my gratitude. Thanks again.
FF Brooke Linman
CA Fire
I have worked in the fire service for over 30 years. I have used the Hot Shield on many brush fire incidents. It is outstanding PPE on threatened structure protection assignments and brush fires. The Hot Shield HS-2 provided me excellent protection against smoke, embers and extreme winds. It does not inhibit my radio communications. I highly recommend the Hot Shield HS-2 for every firefighter on wildland incidents.
Russ Weber
LA County Fire Dept
My name is Danny Silva and I have been a firefighter for 11 years. I started with the good old bandana just like most of us. I went to a fire equipment show about 9 to 10 years ago and saw the Hot Shield HS-2 and and bought one. By far the best thing I have ever purchased for my job. I use the Hot Shield a lot and I have been in some very smokey & hot fires right next to guys coughing with their bandannas and can’t breathe well, while I’m working hard too, but I’m breathing just fine. After the fire is over, I tell ‘em “Get a Hot Shield”! Thank you for making the Hot Shield. It’s a great product and I will never go into a brush fire without it.
Danny Silva
Here is the review on the HS-2. Thanks again. I had a few friends recommend the Hot Shield HS-2. Last season I purchased one and put it to use in the 2020 wildland season. Heat and smoke are reduced substantially over a bandana. It’s washable and the N-95 can be easily replaced. I recommend anyone on the wireline to have one in their pack.
Dave Mills
USFS Contract Photographer
You have an excellent product to protect our firemen not only from heat & fire to the face, neck and head, but also from the smoke inhalation we often deal with. The occasional breathing of smoke might be ok, but not on a continual basis. We fight a lot of wildland fires in heavy juniper and grass fuels here in Texas and are thankful for this product to help protect our team.We highly recommend the Hot Shield.
Chief Blossman
San Saba Fire Dept. TX
I would just like to give some feed back to your HS-4 product. I have been firefighting for 30 years now and have been able to work as a Captain and TO with a paid-on call FD and all 30 years on Wildland and Wildland Urban Interface fires. I started Quintech Fire Services Ltd. In 1999 and we have worked all over North America. One of my biggest issues was to find a tool that works to protect our FFs from all the toxins out in the air around us. We tried everything that we could get our hand on, and the only success was the HS-4. I have used this from time to time as I will admit that I was one of those guys that was convinced that its just tree smoke. As I grew up and truly learnt just what we are and have been breathing in, it became apparent to me to start using it when I’m around smoke. Our FFs are all being issued the HS-4 now and are very thankful as we are now teaching them just what the true hazard is. I have found there was no restriction to the air flow during heavy work and just learning not to tighten the straps too much it does not take much to get used to wearing it for an extended time. My wife also thanks you for helping keep my lungs safe. I just wanted to reach out to you and let you know just how thankful I and my crew is for companies that are going the extra mile to help with our safety out in the field and to thank your entire team.
We are huge supporters and always will be.
Darren Hutchinson
President, Quintech Fire Services Ltd.
I started in the fire service in 1975 and am still full time employed in the fire service. I started when we did not have full turnouts, it was a Jacket, helmet and boots that could be pulled up. I have seen lots of new equipment over the years and we have benefited as an industry from many great ideas. My 1st several years of brush fires we normally wore our station pants and tee shirts. We did not yet have "brush jackets" and our turnout coat was too much. Our other brush fire PPE for many years was a cotton bandana. Most of us carried a red or blue one. We would wet it down if conditions were really bad. Then about the time I made Captain some of our guys bought themselves a Hot Shield. Many times firefighters that had purchased these were told they couldn't wear it for a number of reasons.... all dumb.... when you consider the bandana was the alternative. Since then my department has issued and even mandated the use of a Hot Shield mask. I was recently deployed on a major wildland fire. Twice in a 14-day window I feel like my Hot Shield mask made the difference between holding my position vs possibly getting injured I truly believe the protection that this device has afforded me has lengthened my career, kept me safer and allowed me to work in tough conditions which saves more homes in the interface. Thank you Hot Shield USA".
Name, rank, and department withheld per Department policy
My name is Tom Forest. I and my department purchased Hot Shields after seeing them at a fire equipment trade show back in 1996 (by the way, that original Hot Shield still works). I used it a lot. Saved my lungs on more than one occasion. I was in an urban brush fire that was going well for us which suddenly roared to life with 25 foot flames with blast furnace wind and heat right in our faces. If we hadn't had the Hot Shield masks we might not have made it out in retreat. My yellow fire-resistant jumpsuit was severely singed and my gloves took some damage but we survived unharmed. The flare-up made the front page of the local newspaper with a picture of us just as the wall of flames erupted. As a former academy instructor here in Utah, I have told trainees and firefighters that "smoke inhalation is not a right of passage into the brotherhood of firefighting, its a lunatic disregard for one's own safety when we have PPE available to avoid such common hazards."
Tom Forest